Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Our Anniversary!

Today is our 3rd wedding anniversary!  I really feel like we got married on the most perfect day, *October 17,* don't you?

Life is just easy with Eric. Together for 6 years, married for 3....

November 2006.  Just a week or two after he came home from Iraq.

Pretty cute, huh?! April 2008

3 years ago today!

Bunyan Bombers before the reception!

Loves of my life.  Thanksgiving 2011

Here is just one reason (of the millions) why I'm crazy about this guy:  I love ridiculously high heeled shoes.  LOVE them!  But they always hurt my feet and I can never walk more than a few minutes before I am in agony and start complaining.  OK, whining...Eric would say whining and I'll give him that.  But every time I bring home new, ridiculous (but adorable) shoes, rather than get annoyed, he just smiles at me and says: "You're right, they are pretty cute." And then rubs my feet when I start whining.  <---- It just doesn't get any better than that, y'all!