Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fastest 16 Days Ever!

And just when we were getting used to him being home, he's gone.... again.  Eric was only home for 16 days, and they flew by!  The last two weeks went so fast that I didn't take a single picture or have time to blog.

Eric left yesterday for Germany and landed today.  {Isabelle and I will be with him again in just a little less than 1 month}  Eric going to Germany first, will actually take a lot of stress off of all three of us.  He will go through in-processing, get housing situated, pick up our car from port, get our furniture and household goods delivered to our new home, and have time to get settled into his job.  And so far, it sounds like he has gotten a lot of those things taken care of!  He has already met his commander and other people in the battalion, and has set up our overseas bank account and address.  He says the flight went smoothly and now he's concentrating on in-processing.  I really can't wait to be with him. 

I've got lots to keep me busy so I think that these next 24 days will go pretty fast.  I'm especially excited for my Memorial Day weekend trip to Florida!  But saying good-bye to my husband is never easy and saying good-bye makes me sad.  With the time difference and his cell phone being shut off now, our communication will likely only be through email or Facebook.  We think it'll be a month before we hear each other's voices again.  And that makes me sad too.  

I'm just ready to get there already.  

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