Monday, September 14, 2015

Garmisch Partenkirchen

Finally, a little travel adventure to blog about!  And what's better than a trip to Garmisch??  An entirely FREE trip to Garmisch, that's what!
Eric's battalion puts on a marriage retreat every so often so that the soldiers and their families can get a much deserved break, and this time the retreat was in Garmisch Partenkirchen (or just "gar-mish" for short)!  

Do you see the rainbow on the right?  It was a crystal clear afternoon and this wasn't in any of the other 12 pictures I took one after another in this exact same spot.  It's also the same kind of random rainbow on the same side of the picture that showed up in Paris.  I kinda like having a rainbow follow me around!

We spent our weekend surrounded by the most beautiful landscapes you could ever imagine, without a care in the world!  We didn't see much of Isabelle- she was having a blast with friends who were on the trip with us, and Edelweiss's childcare kept them very entertained- which just made our weekend so much nicer.  Happy kiddo, happy parents... am I right or am I right?

Conversations were had, friends were made, drinks were drank, we ate ourselves silly, a second pair of lederhosen was purchased for a belated birthday gift, and life even got romantic for a weekend.  But I guess that's what's supposed to happen on a marriage retreat in the Bavarian Alps, right?  

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