Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019, Nice For You to Finally Show Up

Hi, 2019!  I've been waiting for you!  And I gotta say.... you took long enough getting here and I don't appreciate it!  What took you so long?!  I have some things I want to get started already and that meant you showing you up!  Jeez Louise, it's about dang time! 

Okay 2019... (deep breaths, Melissa, you brat), so I know you've got the BEST things in store for us this year, and I know that I can be impatient sometimes, and I'd hate to start off on the wrong foot with you and all that really matters is that you're here now, so I totally forgive you!  

It's nice to finally see ya!  You look great!  Let's get this thing going already!

Along with not being all that happy here in the desert and still trying to find my groove here, Eric deployed very suddenly a few months ago and it's been tough on all of us as we've adjusted to a new normal.  And in this new normal, time has completely stopped and it's the most bizarre thing in the entire world.  We aren't even to the half way point in his deployment and when I think about that...... I lose it.

Be right back.

I was a single parent when Eric met me more than a decade ago, so even though my husband and I might have some severe co-dependency issues I was absolutely confident that I could and would take care of things pretty well without him, especially since Isabelle is extremely self sufficient now.  I mean, I'll be honest, Isabelle is the total boss up in here.  She has her shit to.geth.er.  That kid is inspirational and I'm just trying to keep up with her.  But, it is a well known fact on the family side of the military world that alllllll the things will and must go wrong when your Soldier leaves.  And for me, that has absolutely been the case.  

Thankfully nothing major, but still.

As if a corroded car battery that made my car not start needing for it to be towed to a battery store and for me to not look like a complete idiot when talking about battery installation (a masterful feat in itself) wasn't enough to appease whatever thing controls the thing that makes the things go wrong for military spouses wasn't enough, I then had a small fender bender (totally my fault), four flat &/or very low tires on the same gosh damned car that needed the new battery, a broken front door knob is the current bane of my existence, an oil change (this was easy peasy since I wasn't the one actually changing the oil, it's just that it was the most annoying 3 hour wait of my entire life when I was already dealing everything else), a leak in my refrigerator, one broken windshield wiper after I told the oil change technician that I did not need my wipers changed (because the person with a two week old greasy birds nest in her hair because she can barely get herself together knows exactly what she's talking about), teaching our daughter how to parallel park (God help me, the kid already thinks she knows it all), and a smelly kitchen sink that I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the smell under control even after searching the depths of Pinterest for a remedy to no avail.  

So.... yeah.

Like I said.  Nothing that I can't handle.  But with a kiddo who is tackling college and high school at the same time and is involved in just about every club there is and we both volunteer regularly and I need to make time to workout every day for my own sanity, a smelly kitchen sink will have me losing my shit completely for it to never return.  

But no matter!  Because 2019 is finally here and it's going to be a good one!  Even if we aren't anywhere close to being a whole family again, and even if I might still be in the desert, we're at least a little bit closer to our Soldier coming home, and that's something I can let myself get excited about and start to focus on!  But let's first say goodbye to an old chapter as we welcome in the new!  

Here is my "Best Nine of 2018," or whatever it is that is all the .02 second rage on Instagram right now:

From marching with my daughter and being able to show her the power of her voice at the Women's March in January, spending every spare second I could with my lover and the inspiration of my life, losing my fur-child in the Spring to his seizures, learning lessons from a hike that went really wrong, me getting my body back through a lot of hard work and getting to show it off a bit in a couple of military ball gowns, our daughter going to high school and college and nailing them both like they're no big deal, to a small family vacation to Tombstone, Arizona that ended up being so much more fun than we expected it to be, a low key celebration of 9 years of marriage at a hole in the wall restaurant (our favorite way to celebrate anything), and a deployment that is having an emotionally co-dependent couple find a new normal.  2018 managed to treat us gently and fairly and kept us humble, all the while strengthening our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.  God is GOOD!  

But on to 2019 already!

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